Which iPod are you? Una revolución llamada iPod

Cual ipod eres tu???? Realmete necesitas 80 o valgame dios jajajajaj 160 GB en tus manos, eres realmente un conocedor de musika??? o escuchas musika mediocre komo la mayoria de las personas????? o eres de esos seres ke se lo ven a alguien mas y lo desean???? o komo las personas ke kambian de celular simplemente por ke ya salio otro mas caro, y tiene funciones ke ni usan(simplemente consumistas)??????

Stev Jobs
, recientemente sako la mercado la nueva linea ipod, esta monstruosa marca ke no solo vende un producto si no un estilo de vida!!!!!!!!!!!!!, tu decide ke ipod eres tu???? es el nuevo slogan publicitario de Mac.

CHEKEN EL VIDEO PROMOCIONAL, en donde podemos ver grupos komo Mika, Flaming Lips, Feist,The bravery, Dabor Confesional......entre otros......... Which iPod are you?

Maybe you’ve got thousands of songs in your music library. Maybe you have just a few. Maybe you like watching video on the go. Maybe you just wanna grab some tunes and run. No matter where or what you want to play, there’s an iPod made for you.

Decisions, decisions. Who needs ’em? Why should you have to choose what to put on your iPod? With up to 160GB of storage, iPod classic lets you carry everything in your collection — up to 40,000 songs or up to 200 hours of video — everywhere you go. In a completely new, even thinner, all-metal design starting at $249, this iPod is a modern classic.

80GB Up to 20,000 songs, up to 25,000 photos, up to 100 hours of video, or some of each

160GB Up to 40,000 songs, up to 25,000 photos, up to 200 hours of video, or some of each

4GB Up to 1,000 songs, up to 3,500 photos, up to 4 hours of video, or some of each

8GB Up to 2,000 songs, up to 7,000 photos, up to 8 hours of video, or some of each

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